Monday, 10 October 2011

How to run XenServer 6.0 on vSphere 5 - with nested Windows Server 2008 R2 VM

It is possible to install XenServer 6.0 in a virtual machine on vSphere ESXi 5 and then with a few tweaks you can even run a nested Windows Server 2008 R2 VM on the virtual XenServer 6.0.

One important step is to execute the following command from the console:

echo 'vhv.allow = "TRUE"' >> /etc/vmware/config

Otherwise, configure like the guide. Once the custom VM has been created, to be able to choose ESXi 5 as operating system, go to Edit Settings -> Options -> Guest Operating System choose 'Other' and then choose VMware ESXi 5.x. This will ensure that you won't receive the "HVM is required for this operation" error when trying to boot the win2k8R2 vm (it is possible to change this after the install of XenServer as well).

Download the install .iso from 

Mount iso and install XenServer

When done, you will get startup screen as below

Download XenCenter from and install

Add the the XenServer to XenCenter

Create a new VM, choose win2k8 R2 64-bit, mount ISO, install.


Monday, 3 October 2011

Updating VMware Tools on Red Hat Enterprise/Scientific/CentOS Linux 6 for VMware ESXi 5

With the upgrade to ESXi 5 the update process for the tools installed from the repository is not very seamless because of some update issues in addition to package changes.
First off, to get the VMware tools packages updated it is important to upgrade to the latest version of Red Hat/Scientific/CentOS Linux 6 due to some issues with the yum version distributed originally with 6.0. VMware has disabled the automatic update due to this issue:
I am using Scientific Linux 6, for Red Hat and CentOS the upgrade process should be similar but most likely will have a few differences. Be careful to test your software installed because doing the following procedure will result in a minor version upgrade (6.1 at the time of this writing):
Now it is time to get the VMware tools updated. First you will want to remove the old version distributed from the package repository. The other VMware tools packages should be automatically removed since they depend on this kernel module.
# yum remove vmware-open-vm-tools-kmod
Verify all VMware tools packages are removed, RPM should return no results. Remove any additional VMware packages if necessary.
# rpm -qa | grep vmware
Now you’ll need to edit the original yum repo file created for the VMware tools repository:
# nano /etc/yum.repos.d/vmware-tools.repo
Modify the “baseurl” directive to be similar to below.
I am using the 32-bit Linux version so I have i386 at the end, substitute x86_64 if using the 64-bit version.
Now you need to clean out the cached info about the repositories so that it will read the package info from the modified VMware repo:
# yum clean all
Install the kernel module packages:
# yum install vmware-tools-esx-kmods
If you are using the PAE kernel you’ll need to append “-PAE”  or “-pae” with no space before at the end of the command above.
Time to install the new VMware tools, in my case I’ll install without graphical components since my Linux servers don’t run with a GUI:
# yum install vmware-tools-esx-nox
Or use this if your Linux VM is running with a graphical interface:
# yum install vmware-tools-esx
That should do it. Your VMware tools should now be updated to the latest version available with ESXi 5.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Splitting your WINRAR files to parts

1. Open the WinRar application and choose the source file,

2. now right-click the file or folder you want to split, 

3. and select "Add files to Archive" or simply press [Alt] + A. which opens "Archive name and parameters" window, 

4. now find among tabs (on the General tab) "Split to volumes, bytes" select the option which suites you best. 

5. Afterward press Ok.

But let me inform you that the split on both the 700MB media disc will only serve as data backup, and won't be able to work without any of one dics. Since both the splits (assuming to 2 splits only) need each other to get extracted and work as a single data.

Good Luck!
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