Thursday, 1 July 2010

Use Headphone as Mic

If you want 2 talk wid sum1 but you dont have microphone... dont worry you can do it by using your headphone...

I know its hard to believe but its possible.....coz mostly headphone and microphone has some similar circuit with some minor changes.

How 2 make it possible:
Use headphone as mic is very simple and similar as we use mic.
Simply plug the headphone wire in microphone's slot. and its done!!


  • Only one earphone of ur headphone will capable to carry ur voice.
  • Sound quality and volume will be lower.
  • It works only 85% times.
  • You have to speak some louder and closer to earphone bud.

Lets Test it:
1. First plug your headphone wire in microphone's slot.
2. Now open sound recorder and start to record the sound......go to run, type sndrec32.exe
3. now speak in one of the ear bud.... and check in sound recorder if voice is going or not.... if not then try with second earbud of your headphone. One earbud will work mostly.

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