Friday, 15 January 2010

Speed Up Your Browsing Of Windows 2000 & Xp Machines!

Here's a great tip to speed up your browsing of Windows XP machines.. Its actually a fix to a bug installed as default in Windows 2000 that scans shared files for Scheduled Tasks. And it turns out that you can experience a delay as long as 30 seconds when you try to view shared files across a network because Windows 2000 is using the extra time to search the remote computer for any Scheduled Tasks. Note that though the fix is originally intended for only those affected, Windows 2000 users will experience that the actual browsing speed of both the Internet & Windows Explorers improve significantly after applying it since it doesn't search for Scheduled Tasks anymore. Here's how :

Open up the Registry and go to :

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows/Current Version/Explorer/RemoteComputer/NameSpace

Under that branch, select the key :


and delete it.

This is key that instructs Windows to search for Scheduled Tasks. If you like you may want to export the exact branch so that you can restore the key if necessary.

This fix is so effective that it doesn't require a reboot and you can almost immediately determine yourself how much it speeds up your browsing processes.

Thursday, 14 January 2010

How To Improove Windows Xp Performance (no Program)

Here are some tweaks that make a big difference on overall system performance under a Windows XP environment.

*Note* Please backup any registry keybefore editing it!   (Regeditmenu - File - Export).

1) The Kernel

Accessing the kernel from the hard disk is usually the default on any operating system. You can set it to automatically load in the system's RAM at the boot and get better performances.

First open the Regedit tool (Start Menu - Run - regedit.exe). 
By using the icons in the left panel, 
navigate to HKEY LOCAL MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management (by clicking the + sign near each and expanding it).
In the right panel you can see the values assigned. 
Double click the DisablePagingExecutive to edit that field and change it to 1. Be sure to make the change in decimal.
This will make all drivers and kernel to run from system's memory.
You can also edit LargeSystemCache value and change it to 1 in decimal. This will improve kernel access time.

Then you can edit IOPageLockLimit field. Change it according to these rules:

- 4000 if you have 128 RAM or less
- 10000 if you have 256 RAM installed
- 40000 for more

This will change the number of bytes for input-output operations and will increase system performance.

2) Boot

To improve boot times edit the following value:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\SessionManager\MemoryManagement\PrefetchParamete rs with Regedit like in 1).

Change this value from 3 to 5 in decimal. This will improove boot time with 5 to 20 seconds depending on your system's speed.

3) Shutdown

There are some tweaks that help your computer to shutdown faster.

a) automatically end any task running (Caution: this will disable any confirmations like "Do you want to save document X before closing?")

Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop using Regedit and edit the AutoEndTask key. Set it to 1 in decimal.

b)cool.gif make the open applications close faster at shutdown

Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop and set the WaitToKillAppTimeout and HungAppTimeout keys to 1000. Make these two changes in the HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop too.

c) make any service close faster

Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Contro l and set the WaiToKillServiceTimeout to 1000.

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

disable Security Center Or Disabling the wscsvc service

;Disable Security Center

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

How to turn off the SP2 firewall

; turn off firewall policy for domain profile
;disable firewall policy for standard profile

Monday, 11 January 2010

how to turn it off: Auto Updates by default

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update]
;disable Auto Update
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center]
;Stop nagging about AU being turned off

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Disable the SP antivirus and firewall functions - and keep XP from nagging about it

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center]
; don't monitor firewall and antivirus

Saturday, 9 January 2010

Speeding up menus in XP

Go to Start --> Run --> Regedt32

Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop

Locate the key called "MenuShowDelay" and it is probably set to 400.

Change that value to 150.

Reboot your computer.

You should notice a slight increase in the speed of your menus

Friday, 8 January 2010

Changing Default Location For Installing Apps

As the size of hard drives increase, more people are using partitions to separate and store groups of files.

XP uses the C:\Program Files directory as the default base directory into which new programs are installed. However, you can change the default installation drive and/ or directory by using a Registry hack.

Go to :-

- Start > Run

- Type “regedit” (without “” NOOBS!)

- Go to this directory…

- Look for the value named ProgramFilesDir. by default,this value will be C:\Program Files. Edit the value to any valid drive or folder and XP will use that new location as the default installation directory for new programs.

Thursday, 7 January 2010

How To Turn On Your Pc In 10 Seconds

Alright so u want know how to turn the pc on in 10 seconds?? Heres what u have to do

Click on the start button then press R it will take u to Run well go to run
n type Regedit
press enter
this will open Registery Editor
now look for the key

HKEY_LOACAL_MECHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contr ol\ContentIndex

now there find the Key Called
"Startup Delay"
Double Click On It
Now where its Base
Click Decimal
Now its Default Value Is 4800000
Change The Value To 40000
here u go u have done it
now close the Registery Editor and Restart Your Computer
You'll See The Result
Comments Apriciated

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Dell Mini 110-1000 Drivers for Windows XP

Dell Mini 110-1000 BIOS Update
WinFlash for HP NetBook System BIOS - Microsoft Windows-Based

Dell Mini 110-1000 Sound Audio Driver
IDT High-Definition Audio Driver

Dell Mini 110-1000 Chipset Driver
Intel Chipset Installation Utility for ICH7

Dell Mini 110-1000 Graphics Video VGA Driver
Intel Graphics Media Accelerator Driver for Microsoft Windows XP

Dell Mini 110-1000 Touchpad Driver
Synaptics Touchpad Driver

Dell Mini 110-1000 Ethernet LAN Network Driver
Atheros LAN Driver

Dell Mini 110-1000 Wireless LAN WLAN Wifi Driver
Broadcom Wireless LAN Driver

Dell Multi-WWAN Driver Installer
Dell Mini 110-1000 Card Reader Driver
Realtek USB Card Reader Driver

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Hide the Name of the Last User

I've switched to the classic logon screen, but now the username of the last person who used the computer is shown. From a security standpoint, this is not an improvement!

To hide this username, you must dive into the Windows Registry. Go to Start -> Run, type regedit, and click OK. In the Registry Editor window, expand the branches on the left side to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\NT\Cu rrentVersion\Winlogon.
(Notice that this is in the Windows NT branch, not the Windows branch).
Create a new value in this key: right-click Winlogon and select New String Value, type DontDisplayLastUserName for its name, and press Enter. Double-click the new value, type 1 in the "Value data" field, and click OK.

Monday, 4 January 2010

Speed up your NTFS file system

1. Click Start and choose Run,
2. Type regedit,
3. Go to:
4. Find item NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate and give her a Value 00000001. If item don't exist make new DWORD and give her a name NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate and Value 00000001.
5. Restart your computer.

Sunday, 3 January 2010

Hidden feature on Windows Xp

1. Application Secrets.

Secret - Hidden Command Line Switch
Instructions - Go to "Start", "Run" and Type defrag c: -b to defragment the Boot and Application Prefetch information. Similar to what BootVis invokes.

Secret - Image Trails
Instructions - Open an image and hold down Shift then drag the image around to create an image trail.

Secret - 10 X zoom
Instructions - Open an image and select the magnifying glass icon. Left-click exactly on the line below the 8 X.

2. OS Secrets.

Secret - Hidden Uninstall Options
Instructions - Warning: Proceed at your own risk.
Browse to C:\Windows\inf\ and make a backup copy of sysoc.inf. Then open the original file C:\Windows\inf\sysoc.inf in notepad. Go to "Edit" and select "Replace". In "Find what" type, hide and in "Replace with:" type, then select "Replace All", save and close the file. Go to the control panel, "Add/Remove", select "Add/Remove Windows Components". You will now see many more Windows components to uninstall. Do not remove anything with no label or that you do not recognize or fully understand what it does. Doing so can break certain functionality in Windows.

Control Panel
Secret - Hidden Control Panel Extensions
Instructions - Download and install Tweak UI, launch, go to "Control Panel" and check any item not selected, then "Apply" and "OK". You will now see the hidden control panel extensions.

Device Manager
Secret - Hidden Devices
Instructions - Go to the control panel, "System" icon, "Hardware" tab and select "Device Manager". Select View and Show hidden devices.

Secret - Music from the Installer
Instruction - Browse to C:\Windows\system32\oobe\images\title.wma and play

Secret - Display Hibernate Option on Shut Down dialog.
Instructions - Go to "Start", "Turn Off Computer" and press either Shift key to change "Stand By" button to "Hibernate".

3. Game Secrets

Secret - Instant Win
Instruction - Hold down Ctrl + Shift + F10 during game play. Then you will be asked if you want to Abort, Retry or Ignore. Choose Abort, then move any card to instantly win.

Secret - Hidden Game Modes
Instruction - In the "Game" menu choose "Select Game". Enter -1 or -2 to activate the hidden game modes.

Secret - Reveal Mines
Instructions - Minimize or close all running applications. Launch Minesweeper, then type xyzzy. Next hold down either shift key for one second. Now when you move the mouse cursor over a Minesweeper square you will see a tiny pixel in the top left corner of your desktop screen. This pixel will change to black when your mouse moves over a mine. You may need to change you desktop background to a solid color other then white or black to see the pixel.

Secret - Extra Balls
Instructions - Type lmax at the start of a new ball to get extra balls.

Secret - Gravity Well
Instructions - Type gmax at the start of a new game to activate Gravity Well.

Secret - Instant Promotion
Instructions - Type rmax at the start of a new game to go up in ranks.

Secret - Skill Shot
Instruction - Launch the ball partially up the chute past the third yellow light bar so it falls back down to get 75.000 points. There are six yellow light bars that are worth a varying amount of points :
First: 15.000
Second: 30.000
Third: 75.000
Fourth: 30.000
Fifth: 15.000
Sixth: 7.500

Secret - Test MOde
Instructions - Type hidden test at the start of a new ball to activate Test Mode. No notification will be given that this is activated but you can now left-click the mouse button an drag the ball around.

Secret - Unlimited Balls
Instructions - Type bmax at the start of a new ball. No notificatin will be given that this is activated but when a ball is lost a new ball will appear from the yellow wormhole indefinitely. Once this is activated you will be unable to activate other secrets without restarting the game.

Secret - Instant Win
Instruction - Press Alt + Shift + 2 during game play to instantly win.

Secret - Draw single cards in a Draw Three game
Instruction - Hold down Ctrl + Alt + Shift while drawing a new card. Instead of drawing three cards you will only draw one.

Saturday, 2 January 2010

How to safeguard your files when computer crashes

First thing to keep in mind: If your computer hasn't crashed yet, it will in the future! So instead of waiting for fate to strike, take some precautions now:

1) BACK-UP! Buy some decent DVD-R discs and put everything useful in them. When you have more useful stuff, backup again. Do this often.

2) Keep your computer healthy. Use an antivirus, an anti-spy, and a firewall. Keep them updated. Check regularly for Windows critical fixes.

3) Don't  tinstall softwarehat would do dangerous things to your hard drive. A boot manager would fall in this category.

4) Use a registry cleaner before and after you install or uninstall any software. Many of the problems that will keep Windows from booting are caused by sloppy software that mess up your registry. A good registry cleaner is Tune-up Utilities.

5) Run chkdsk now and then. Go to Start> Run. Type chkdsk /F. Press enter.

In case your PC has already crashed, read the following:

Most important: Don't panic! Panic is like a little demon that whispers in your ear to format your hard drive and reinstall everything. Don't do it!
You will lose all your data and the little demon will laugh at you.

To be exact you can still recover your data if you format your drive (by using special software), but only if you don't write anything
on the disc afterwards. In other words format + windows install = bad idea. If you reinstall windows without formating your drive, you will
only lose the files on your desktop and "My Documents" folder.

In all occasions you should make sure to safeguard your files before attempting any kind of repair!

So let's go about how to do that:

The fast way: Go to this site:
. Knoppix is a Linux distribution than runs from a CD. Download the Knoppix ISO and burn it. Put it in your CD drive. On startup access BIOS and change
the boot sequence so that your computer boots from the CD drive. Save settings and exit. Upon reboot, Knoppix will load.

Knoppix is much like windows and it comes with its own CD burner. Locate it, launch it and backup everything you want on CD.
Now you don't have to worry anymore!

The less fast way: This requires that you have access to a second PC. Open the case of your computer and remove the hard disk.

Install it as a slave on the second PC.

Depending on respective configurations, you may have to change some jumper settings on the drive. Read the manual for help with installing hard drives
and setting jumpers.

After this is done, boot the second PC. If everything went out ok, you should be able to access your drive without problems. (Edit: Note that Win98
cannot recognize a local NTFS (Win2K/XP) disk.)

Copy everything you need from your own hard drive to the other one. Now you don't have to worry anymore!

Replace your computer's hard disk, fix all problems and reverse the process to copy the data back to your computer, or take CD backups on the other PC.

Friday, 1 January 2010

Speed Up Your Browsing Of Windows 2000 & Xp Machines!

Here's a great tip to speed up your browsing of Windows XP machines. Its actually a fix to a bug installed as default in Windows 2000 that scans shared files for Scheduled Tasks. And it turns out that you can experience a delay as long as 30 seconds when you try to view shared files across a network because Windows 2000 is using the extra time to search the remote computer for any Scheduled Tasks. Note that though the fix is originally intended for only those affected, Windows 2000 users will experience that the actual browsing speed of both the Internet & Windows Explorers improve significantly after applying it since it doesn't search for Scheduled Tasks anymore. Here's how :

Open up the Registry and go to :

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows/Current Version/Explorer/RemoteComputer/NameSpace

Under that branch, select the key :


and delete it.

This is key that instructs Windows tosearch for Scheduled Tasks. If you like you may want to export the exact branch so that you can restore the key if necessary.

This fix is so effective that it doesn't require a reboot and you can almost immediately determine yourself how much it speeds up your browsing processes.
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