Wednesday, 23 December 2009

P2V pre-migration checklist - and considerations

My prevoius post was a P2V post migration checklist. This post is a pre-migration checklist which is about all the information that should gathered and checked before doing any P2V conversions.

I have been involved in a number of larger P2V projects (+50 P2V's) and, in my experience, proper planning is a key element for a succesful project. Typically, you, as a VMware- or P2V person, have no real knowledge of the Windows servers to be converted - their just another server. This means that you rely on other people to collect relevant data on your behalf. Such a setup has an important implication. As you have no knowledge of the server, it cannot be released into production by yourself, you should let a Windows guy verify the OS after which it can be handed over for application testing. Resources for both tests should be allocated up front by the project manager and they should be standing by in the agreed maintenance window.

In regards to the length of maintenance windows, we have had the most succes with long time frames during weekends - e.g. 36 hours from Saturday 08.00 a.m. to Sunday 08.00 p.m. Obviously, such a window can be difficult to obtain, but it has two significant advantages: 1) Specifying the actual conversion time can be tricky - it happens that a 30 GB server takes 12 hours to convert for one reason or the other. 2) It is less stressfull to do P2V's during weekends and a long window will let you work at your own pace, Furthermore, conversions can run over night if they have large disks (e.g. + 200 GB).

Now, a few words about the checklist. Over time, it has been gradually extended as we have learned important lessons - some of them the hard way where. For example, a server that hadn't been checked for hardware dongles, then you need to roll back - or e.g. a VLAN that hadn't been properly trunked... A specific list will match a specific scenario so, typically, the list will be modified to some degree for each project. However, a large part of the list will remain the same, so hopefully it can be used for inspiration. We use Sharepoint 2007 to organise the lists. These can be dynamically updated, which is practical when multiple persons have to update at the same time.

  • Servername
  • OS type
  • Server model
  • Has Capacity Planner run for this server?
  • # of CPU sockets
  • # of CPU cores
  • Amount of physical memory installed
  • Physical disk capacity (C-drive, D-drive, etc.)
  • Current CPU usage (preferably from cap. planner)
  • Current memory usage (preferably from cap. planner)
  • Current physical disk usage (C-drive, D-drive, etc.)
  • # vCPU’s that should be assigned
  • Amount of memory to be assigned to VM
  • Sizes of vDisks after resizing (C-drive, D-drive, etc. – remember separate .vmdk’s for each logical volume)
  • Total size of vDisks (then you can sum up total disk capacity needed and ask for storage up front)
  • Local administrator credentials (local windows accounts are recommended)
  • “Ipconfig /all” screendump attached to list (this is to ensure you have the right IP and mac address)?
  • ILO-information (address, credentials) (if you have to do cold migration)
  • Has server been defragmented (this can significantly speed up conversion rates)?
  • Has server been checked for hardware dongles?
  • Has VLAN been trunked?
  • Do server application licenses have any binding to MAC or IP address?
  • Remote access type (RDP, Netop)? (for stopping services up front)
  • Physical server location
  • Applications on server
  • What services to stop on server before conversion
  • OS tester contact info
  • Application tester contact info (for pre- and post migration test)
  • Server to be converted by (employee)
  • Date for conversion
  • Conversion progress/status (not begun, P2V begun, handed over to OS testing, released to production, etc.)
  • Has physical server been shut down?
  • Notes

Saturday, 12 December 2009

P2V post migration checklist

When doing P2V projects, I usually have a short, written checklist on my desk to make sure I remember everything. The list is as follows:

For hot migration:

  1. Disable relevant services on the source machine
  2. When configuring the P2V, don't set the VM for autoboot upon completion
  3. Adjust hardware on the VM before first boot (remove serial ports etc)
  4. Check that VMware Tools installs correctly
  5. Adjust the HAL if needed
  6. Uninstall HP software
  7. Remove hidden NIC's
  8. Set IP - if static IP (Start -> Run -> ncpa.cpl)
  9. Check services.msc to ensure that all automatic services are running (and that you re-enabled the ones that you disabled to begin with)
  10. Shutdown the physical server (shutdown /s /t 0 from CMD)
  11. Ping -t the physical server and when it stops responding, then enable the NIC on the VM
  12. Reboot the VM

After this, I typically handover the VM to the Windows Operations team which check the eventlog and such, and then they hand it over to the application testers before releasing it into production.

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

How To Disable Compression On Xp,Disk Cleanup

On an NTFS partition, Disk Cleanup can compress old files
to save space. 
But calculating the savings and performing the compression often take a long time, and on some systems,Disk Cleanup hangs during the process. 
If that happens, or if you don't care to wait, use this Registry tweak to disable the compression: 

Delete the key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VolumeCaches\Compress Old Files.

Saturday, 21 November 2009

VLAN testing in ESX 3.5

In larger organisations, typically, the network department and the VMware group are seperated in different teams. So as a VMware administrator you need to ask the network department to trunk VLANs to the physical switch ports that your ESX is connected to. It happens that the network department misses a port or a VLAN which means that you can end up with a VM loosing network connection after e.g. a VMotion. Unfortunately, the responsibility can land on the VMware administrator for putting a host into production without testing VLAN connectivity. Unfair, but that's life.

But testing VLANs the manual way is rather time consuming. Especially if you have multiple hosts with multiple nics and multiple VLANs. The number of test cases quickly amount to the impossible. If, for example, you have five hosts, five VLANs and 4 NICs in each host, that means (5 x 5 x 4) 100 test cases.

The traditional way of testing is to create a vSwitch with only one vmnic connected. Then connect a VM on that vSwitch with one of the VLANs. Configure an IP address in the address space of the VLAN and ping the gateway. Do this for all the VLANs, and then connect the next vmnic to the vSwitch and start over.

The following method speeds up VLAN testing significantly (in this case from 100 to 16 test cases). It is not totally automated, but I have found it very useful nonetheless.

The basics of it is that you configure a port group to listen on all available VLANs and then you enable VLAN tagging inside the VM and do your testing from there:

1. Create a port group on the vSwitch with ID 4095. This will allow the VM to connect to all available VLANs available to the host.

2. Enable VLAN tagging from inside the VM. This only works with the E1000 intel driver which only ships with 64 bit Windows. So if you have a 32 bit Windows server, then you need to first modify the .vmx file and then download and install the intel E1000 driver from within Windows (Update: Even for Win 64 bit, you need to download and install E1000 manually. The advanced VLAN option is not included in the default driver). This link describes how this is done. Note that when modifying the .vmx, add the following line:

Ethernet0.virtualDev = "e1000"

Note that if you use the default Flexible nic to begin with, there's no existing entry for the nic in the .vmx, so just add the new entry.

Under Edit Settings for the VM, attach the NIC to the VLAN with id 4095.

3. Now you can add VLANs in the VM. Go to the Device Manager and then Properties for the E1000 NIC. There's a tab that says VLANs (see screendump below). As you add VLANs, a seperate NIC or "Local Area Connection" is created for each VLAN. It is set for DHCP, so if there's a DHCP server on that network it will receive an IP automatically. If not, you will need to configure an IP for that interface manually (e.g. by requesting a temporary IP from the network department.). For quickly configuring the IP, you can run the following command from CMD or a batch (.cmd) script:

netsh int ip set address "local area connection 1" static 1

4. Now we will use the Tracert (traceroute) command to test connectivity. The reason that we can't use Ping is the following: If you have multiple VLANs configured and you ping a gateway on a given VLAN - and the VLANs happen to be routable - then you will recieve a response from one of the other VLANs even though the one your are testing is not necessarily working.

But when using Tracert, then you can be sure that if the gateway is reached in the first jump, then the VLAN works. If the VLAN doesn't work, then you will see Tracert doing multiple jumps (via one of the other VLANs) before reaching the gateway (or it will fail if there's no connectivity at all). You can create a simple .cmd file with a list of gateways that you execute from the CMD prompt. Example file:


See below for example screendump.

Before running the batch script you need to have only one physical nic connected to the vSwitch. You can do this in one of two ways. 1) create a seperate vSwitch and connect only one vmnic at a time. Then you control it from VC. Or 2) you unlink all vmnics but one from the service console (COS) with the following commands:

ssh to the ESX host
esxcfg-vswitch -l (to see current configuration)
esxcfg-vswitch -U vmnic1 vSwitch0 (this unlinks vmnic1 from vSwitch0)
esxcfg-vswitch -L vmnic0 vSwitch0 (this links vmnic0 to vSwitch0)

These commands work instantaneously so you don't have to restart the network or anything. Then you run through the test on one vmnic at a time. When done with a host, you VMotion the VM to the next host in the cluster and continue the test from there.

Sunday, 1 November 2009

Notepad Option In Send To

Many apply a registry tweak to have notepad as an option for unknown file types. We frequently see such files which are actually just text, but named with some odd file-extension. And then, some suspicious files which we want to make sure what the contents are. Well, in such cases where the registry tweak is applied, the downside happens to be that even some known files get associated with notepad - but no, all we want is to be able to open a file with notepad - the association part in such cases is unwanted interference. Also, notepad becomes a permanent fixture on the right-click menu - which is again an annoyance.

So what we do, is to have notepad as an option in the Send-To options, of the right-click menu in explorer. It fulfils the purpose to perfection (atleast, in my case). Here's what we do:

1. right-click desktop, choose "New >> Shortcut"
2. Type the location of the item - "notepad" - (that's all, no need to give path)
3. Next >> type name for shortcut - "Edit with Notepad"
4. Click finish
5. Now right-click this shortcut on the desktop, and choose properties.
6. Confirm that the "target" and "start in" fields are using variables - "%windir%\system32\notepad.exe" - (absolute paths will be problematic if you use this .LNK on machines other than your own)
7. Now, browse to "%UserProfile%\SendTo" in explorer (which means "C:\Documents and Settings\User_Name\SendTo\" folder)
8. And copy the "Edit with Notepad.lnk" file which you already created, to that folder.
9. So now, you can right-click on ANY file-type, and be offered an option to open with notepad, from the SendTo sub-menu.

So now, you just right-click on an .nfo or .eml or .diz file (which are associated with other programs, and are sometimes just plain-text files), and choose "Send To >> Edit with Notepad" and it will open in notepad!
No more botheration of applying registry tweaks for something as simple as this.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Change Office 2007 Default File Save Formats

To change default file save options in Office Word 2007

  1. Double-click Microsoft Office Word 2007, double-click Word Options, and click Save.
  2. In the right pane, right-click Save files in this format, and select Properties.
  3. In Save files in this format, select Enabled.
  4. In the drop-down box, select a default file save format.
  5. Click Apply to save the settings.
To change default file save options in Office Excel 2007
  1. Double-click Microsoft Office Excel 2007, double-click Excel Options, and click Save.
  2. In the right pane, right-click Save Excel files as, and select Properties.
  3. In Save files in this format, select Enabled.
  4. In the drop-down box, select a default file save format.
  5. Click Apply to save the settings.
To change default file save options in Office PowerPoint 2007
  1. Double-click Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007, double-click PowerPoint Options, and click Save.
  2. In the right pane, right-click Save files in this format, and select Properties.
  3. In Save files in this format, select Enabled.
  4. In the drop-down box, select a default file save format.
  5. Click Apply to save the settings.

Sunday, 4 October 2009

Howto: Check if SAN cables are connected in ESX

When installing an ESX host and you have someone other than yourself taking care of the cabling of the host, it is very handy to be able to check wheather this has been done properly. You want to be able to verify that the HBA's have been physically connected to the fabric switches with fibre cables.

Ssh to the ESX host
ls to the /proc/scsi/qla2300 folder (if it's a Qlogic HBA...)
In this folder there are a number of text files named with the numbers 1-x corresponding to the number of HBA ports in your ESX.
Cat the files one at a time:

#cat 1
#cat /proc/scsi/qla2300/1

look for the following line in the files:

Host adapter:loop state=READY, flags= 0x8430403

If it says READY, the HBA has been physically connected to the fibre switch. If it says DEAD, then it is not.

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Lost Creations has made this very popular GUI plugin for doing SVMotion from the VI Client. It has been out there for quite some time, so this post is merely for my own reference (I actually thought I had posted about this before...)

It's absolutely a 'must have' tool for daily operations of the virtual infrastructure.

(Update 2011.01.05: Use this link for download in stead)

Go here for installation guide.

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

SVMotion with .vmdk's on different LUN's

Yesterday, I had to extend a number of disks on a VM. There were about seven .vmdk's spread over three different LUN's which were all out of space. In VI3 there's really no good way to increase a LUN (unless you use extend, but don't), so to increase the disk sizes of the .vmdk's, a larger LUN had to be created onto which the .vmdk's could be moved before extending them.

The storage guys create a 1 TB LUN for the VM. So, I wanted to use SVMotion to move the .vmdk's one by one to the new LUN. If you start out with a disk that is not the primary, or OS, disk you will get an error (I'm using the GUI plugin from Lost Creations), so you can only move the primary disk. However, when you move that primary disk, all of the .vmdk's attached to that VM will be moved with the VM at the same time and will be placed on the target LUN.

So when SVMotioning, all .vmdk's attached to that VM are moved at the same time. Therefore, make sure to have enough space on the target LUN.

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

How Long Has Your System Been Running?

Here's how you verify system uptime:

Click Start | Run and type cmd to open a command prompt.
At the prompt, type systeminfo

Scroll down the list of information to the line that says System Up Time.

This will tell you in days, hours, minutes and seconds how long the system has been up.

Note that this command only works in XP Pro, not in XP Home. You can, however, type net statistics workstation at the prompt in Home. The first line will tell you the day and time that the system came online.

Saturday, 1 August 2009

How To Access Your Folders From Your Taskbar

This is an easy way to get to the folders on your system without having to open a Windows Explorer Window every time you want to access files. I find it very useful to have this feature as it allows me to access my Folders and Drives immediately and saves me a lot of time.

This works in Windows XP:

1. Right Click an empty spot on your Taskbar (Between your Start Button and your System Tray).
2. Click Toolbars.
3. Click New Toolbar.
4. A Small Window will Open that allows you to pick the folder you wish to make a Toolbar. If you want to access your Desktop Without having to minimize all your windows. Just Pick Desktop. If you want to access ONLY your My Documents Folder, Select that. Any folder will work for this.
5. Click OK.
The New Tool bar will appear at the bottom of your screen next to your System Tray.

If you find this to be not useful, Repeat Steps 1 and 2 and then check click the Toolbar you created that has a check mark next to it. And it will disappear.

Sunday, 26 July 2009

Resizing disks in VMware Workstation

If you want to increase the size of a virtual machine (VM) in VMware Workstation, you can use the command line tool, vmware-vdiskmanager, from a command prompt. The command can be executed from the VMware Workstation folder under Program Files\VMware. The VM should be powered off.

The following command will increase the size of the virtual disk to 30 GB. In this case, the .vmdk file resides on a network share.

C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Workstation>vmware-vdiskmanager -x 30GB "\\FILESERVER\folder-X\My Virtual Machines\testserver\testserver.vmdk"

This will work both on a disk where all space has been allocated and disk that are allowed to grow.

Monday, 20 July 2009

VLAN trunking / grouping in distributed virtual switch

In vSphere, there's a new networking feature which can be configured on the distributed virtual switch (or DVS). In VI3 it is only possible to add one VLAN to a specific port group in the vSwitch. in the DVS, you can add a range of VLANs to a single port group. The feature is called VLAN trunking and it can be configured when you add a new port group. There you have the option to define a VLAN type, which can be one of the following: None, VLAN, VLAN trunking, and Private VLAN. But this can only be done on the DVS, not on a regular vSwitch. See screendumps below (both from vSphere environment)

Sunday, 12 July 2009

vCenter Converter Standalone 4 - ports used

We're doing quite a few P2V conversions at the moment, and that means that we see all kinds of weird errors, conversion failures, and connection issues. P2V is definitely not an exact science.

One thing that is recommended to have in order is that proper network ports are opened.

VMware has written a good KB article that explains which ports are used.

If you have server with Converter Standalone installed on it, and you have trouble connecting to the source physical computer, then first make sure that Windows Firewall is disabled. If that doesn't work, then install the Converter application directly on the source computer. Then you will need outbound 443 TCP connection to vCenter (former Virtual Center) (it's assumed that port 443 TCP is open inbound on the vCenter server, of course).

To test if ports are open, open a CMD prompt and run following command:

telnet 'vCenter ip' 443

(without the ' ') If the DOS prompt goes black, then the connection is good. Othervise you will get a 'can't connect' or something similar)

If you P2V directly to an ESX server, then ports 902, 903, and 443 TCP are used.

If you, for some reason, can't get port 443 opened, then a workaround is as follows:

  • Install the Converter directly on the source system
  • If you have an existing test VM in the same IP range, then create a new disk and attach that to the test VM.
  • Make a Windows share on the new disk
  • From the Converter choose to export to standalone virtual machine in Workstation format and then coose to place files on the share just created
  • After export, change the VLAN to an IP range that doesn't have any firewalls blocking
  • Import the VM from within vCenter

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

How to Back Up the Registry & Restore the Registry

Back Up the Registry

Before you edit the registry, export the keys in the registry that you plan to edit, or back up the whole registry. If a problem occurs, you can then follow the steps how-to restore the registry to its previous state.

How to Export Registry Keys
Click Start, and then click Run.
In the Open box, type regedit, and then click OK.
On the File menu, click Export.
In the Save in box, select the boxs at the bottom the bottom according to weather you want to export all or only selected branches of the registry.
Next select a location in which to save the backup .reg file. In the File name box, type a file name, and then click Save.

Restore the Registry

To restore registry keys that you exported, double-click the .reg file that you saved.

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

P2V of domain controller

Summary: Cold clone P2V of domain controllers works just fine.

We had to migrate two root domain controllers the other day at work. I knew that domain controllers in particular can give you trouble when being converted / migrated, so I researched it a bit and found a useful article on which linked to a very good VMware KB article . This KB recommends that in stead of migrating, then deploy a fresh VM and do a 'dcpromo' and then shut down the physical server after. I like this way as it moves the responsibility away from the VMware team and over to the application responsible.

However, we did not have enough time to do the recommended solution, so we whent for P2V. We did cold clone because hot migration is likely to go wrong and it is not supported by Microsoft.

There were FSMO roles on the DC's, so before we began, we had the AD guy move all the roles over to one of the servers. Then we took the other one down and P2V'ed it. We resized the disks to save SAN space which was not a problem. When it came back up, the AD guy tested and then moved FSMO roles over to the migrated DC. And then we migrated the other one. After both had been migrated, the AD guy tested again.

If your responisbility area does not cover the application layer, which it does not for me in this case, then arrange for an application responisble to test the app before it is released into production. It may sound banal, but it is sometimes overlooked when the pace is fast and only basic OS testing is done.

Time synchronization

There are several ways of setting up time synchronization. One important point is that there should be only one source for synchronization for all the DC's. There's a feature in VMware tools, where you can synchronize the VM against the ESX - this we did not use. We let Windows take care of the synchronisation. If you have a mixed environment of DCs (bare metal and virtual), then you can let a bare metal DC sync to an external source, and then let all the other DC's sync to the bare metal DC.

We had the PDC emulator sync with a dedicated physical NTP server, and then let the second DC sync with the PDC emulator. The ESX servers sync with the physical NTP server - but no synchronization between VM and ESX server. Read this article for further info on time sync.

Update: In a KB article (KB 888794) from Microsoft about considerations when hosting DC's in a virtual environment, there is one important paragraph about forced unit access (FUA) which has resulted in some confusion. The paragraph states:

"If the virtual hosting environment software correctly supports a SCSI emulation mode that supports forced unit access (FUA), unbuffered writes that Active Directory performs in this environment are passed to the host operating system. If forced unit access is not supported, you must disable the write cache on all volumes of the guest operating system that host the Active Directory database, the logs, and the checkpoint file. "

According to VMware, forced unit access (FUA) is supported on VMware. Here's the answer from VMware technical support:

-----Original Message-----
From: VMware Technical Support []
Sent: 24. februar 2010 11:25
To: (Jakob Fabritius Nørregaard)
Subject: Re: VMware Support Request SR# 1490632591
** Please do not change the subject line of this email if you wish to
respond. **
Hello Jakob,
Forced Unit Access is supported by VMware. A large number of customer's have virtualized Domain Controllers which is evident in the community forums.
Thanks & Best Regards
Derek Collins
Technical Support Engineer
VMware Global Support Services
VMware Technical Support Knowledge Base"

Monday, 1 June 2009

Best Windows Freeware/Shareware Download Sites

Outstanding Sites
SoftPedia A large commercial site with an excellent collection organized by platform. It features site and user star ratings for products and user comments. The search engine doesn't display any  ratings and this limits its use when selecting. The real selling point for this site is its "100% clean" guarantee.  For many that is a winning feature.
SnapFiles / WebAttack  Offers a huge collection, great organization and a refreshingly clean presentation. Products are briefly reviewed and carry site ratings, user rating and user comments. Excellent.
FileHippo  A clean site with a wide product selection and fast download rates but offering almost no guidance in selection.  A redeeming feature is they offer a full version history of most products.
MajorGeeks This site carries only tech tools and utilities. Guidance is limited to brief reviews and user ratings.  However, if you are looking for  tech tools this is THE place to go. One of my favorites. 
FileForum-Betanews  Not the largest download collection, but if you're looking for the very latest products you'll find them here long before other download sites.
Recommended Sites
ZDNet and CNet Downloads These two sites are just different faces of the same site. That site, however, offers the biggest collection of software on the web. Finding what you want is made easier by the have the best file search engine of all the download sites. There are also user star ratings for most products and site star ratings for some. The user comments are handy but beware, they are sometimes stacked with comments made by the product developers pretending to be mere users.  The downside to these sites is they now require you to install their proprietry downloader. It is not only an unnecessary step it an intrusion into your privacy.
Tucows  Huge collection with world-wide mirrors for fast downloading. The Classic "cow ratings" for products are not as realiable as they used to be. I can't help but feel that this once class-leading site has lost its way a little in recent times.  This is the old site re-launched as a site specializing in server software for network administrators and IT professionals. Quite a few products have ratings, some with full reviews.  It's a unique offering and well worth visting if you fit the target market.
No-Nags  This was once the best freeware-download site on the web but they haven't really kept up with the competition.  There is a free service and a more helpful premium service. The shareware side is slowly being added and is not particularly  impressive.  A good general interest download site that's competent. There are few rating or user reviews but it's nicely organized.
Other Sites

5 Star Shareware  This popular UK site claims to feature only the best products in each category. It cerainly started out that way but over time has drifted towards more of a general purpose download site.  The strong commercial orientation does not give me a lot of confidence
Shareware Junkies  Every product here is independently reviewed, though many of the reviews are becoming dated. Can be helpful when you are trying to decide what you need.
Allen's WinApps List  A fast and well organized site with a huge selection of software, but the search engine is woeful and there is little in the way of guidance as well.
WinPlanet The aging remnant of the once excellent Stroud's CWS Apps site, it's now part of the mega-site. It's still a useful site with many product ratings and some reviews. Overall, though, it is but a pale shadow of its former self. 

Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Installing ESX 4.0 GA

As most people probably know by now, vSphere 4.0 was released in GA earlier today (2009.05.21). To try it out, I have installed ESX 4.0 in Workstation 6.5.1 on a Lenovo T61 - and it works fine. For those who haven't had a chance to play with it yet, here's some screenshots of the installation process, see below.

Workstation VM settings:
  • OS type: Redhat Enterprise Linux 4 64-bit
  • Mem: 2 GB (that was minimum on the beta)
  • Network: Bridged (tick the "Replicate physical network connection state)
  • Processor: 1, choose Intel-VT or AMD-V as preferred mode

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

P2V - Error with NIC after migration with static IP

When doing a P2V and the server has to have a static IP address after the migration, then you may recieve an error message stating that there's an IP conflict and the ip is already configured on an existing NIC - even though only one VMware NIC is visible in network connections.

The reason is that the physical NICs have not been entirely uninstalled in Windows, they still exist in the device manager as hidden devices. Do the following to uninstall the hidden NICs:

Open a command prompt and type the following commands:

set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1

Click ‘View’ and then click ‘Show Hidden Devices’.
Expand the Network Adapters tree and right click the dimmed network adapter and click ‘Uninstall’ (You may also see a hidden 'RAS async adapter' device under NICs. This cannot be uninstalled. However, it doesn't matter as it doesn't influence the NIC issue, so just leave it).

Sunday, 3 May 2009

iSCSI on a Windows box with Starwind

If you want to run shared storage in e.g. a test setup, then Starwind's iSCSI application can be recommended. Earlier, I have tried Openfiler (iSCSI in a linux distro VM) which works fine, It's not too complicated to configure, but still it's much easier with Starwind iSCSI in a Windows environment. The application is free but there's a 2 TB storage limit.

Starwind installation guide. It's easy to install, just go next next done. Load the serial key, connect to the localhost (user: test, pw: test), add a new device, and then follow install guide page pp 5.

For a guide on how to configure iSCSI in ESX 3 and 4, click here

A typical test setup could be one physcial host with 8 GB of memory and one quad core cpu. Check for a list of compatible whitebox ESX hardware.

From ESX 4 it's possible to run ESX as a VM within an ESX. Even VMotion will work (go to for a demonstration). And if you have a VM with an iSCSI target running on it, then you have a full enterprise setup running on one box.

Friday, 1 May 2009

Computer Terms and their Meanings

Here is a quick list of computer terms, most being requests from Tips4pc members. You can also get a free 59 page PDF Computer Terms Dictionary when you sign up for the Tips4pc newsletter at the bottom of every post.
Basic Computer Terminology:
1. Bit: A binary unit of data storage with only 2 digits 0 and 1.
2. BIOS: Acronym for basic input/output system, the built-in software that determines what a computer can do without accessing programs from a disk.
3. Boot: Another Computer term for “Starting a Computer”. Similarly reboot means restart.
4. Byte: 8 bits of data which has a possible value from 0 to 255.
5. Program: A series of instructions to the computer from a user to process different types of tasks according to our need and necessity.
6. Operating System (OS): An operating system works an interface between User and the hardware. It is basically the platform on which users work. Various OS include Windows, MAC OSX, and Linux etc.
7. Application: Application is program that runs on an Operating System. For ex. music player, browser, messengers etc.
8. Internet: It is a worldwide system of computer networks – a network of networks in which users at any one computer can get information from any other computer.
9. Browser: It is a program that displays the files and data on internet through World Wide Web. Examples Include Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome etc.
10.  Driver: A specially written program which understands the operation of the device it interfaces to, such as a printer, video card, sound card or CD ROM drive. It provides an interface for the operating system to use the device.
11.  File: A collection of data into a permanent storage structure stored on the hard drive.
12.  Floppy disk: A very low capacity storage media which can be written to as easily as it is read. It is highly out of date.
13.  Floppy Drive: The hardware component that is used to read or write to a floppy disk.
14.  Hardware: Describes the physical parts of your computer which you can physically touch or see such as your monitor, case, disk drives etc.
15.  Memory: Used to provide the temporary storage of information function.
16.  Network: A general term describing to the cables and electronic components that carry data between computers. It is also generally used to refer to the server computers that provide services such as printing, file sharing, e-mail, and other services.
17.  Protocols: A standard method used for communications or other internet and network functions.
18.  Security flaw: A software bug allowing an attacker a method to gain unauthorized access to a system.
19.  Serial: A data transmission method where data is sent on a single line and one bit is sent at a time. This is similar to a line which one item must come one after another.
20.  Software: Describes the programs that run on your system.
21.  SPAM: A term used to describe junk and unsolicited e-mail.
22.  Storage Media: A term used to describe any magnetic device that computer data can be permanently stored on such as a hard drive or floppy drive.
23.  URL: Uniform Resource Locator is the term used to describe a link which points to a location of a file on the internet.
24. Virus: A program that runs on a system against the owner’s or user’s wishes and knowledge and can spread by infecting files or sending itself through e-mail.
25.  Vulnerability: Software errors that allow some kind of unauthorized access when they are used or exploited.
26.  Word: Two bytes or 16 bits of data with a possible unsigned value from 0 to 16535.
27.  Worm: A term used to describe an unwanted program that uses system or application vulnerabilities to infect a computer without the user doing anything but connecting to an infected network.

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

To Hide / Unhide the Partitions with DiskPart

I have 2 partition on my PC and now i want to hide the second partition for my private files is not to showed to other who want to use my computer.
This will be the best solution for your needs. Windows Xp provides a Utility which you can hide your one or more drives.

This steps will show you how to do the Tricks:

  • 1: Open Run at type "cmd" and Enter.
  • 2: Type "diskpart" and Enter.
  • 3: type "list volume" and Enter.
* you will notice it will shows the partition on the Hard with the appropriate Drives Letters.
  • 4: type "select volume 1" (select the volumes or partitions you want to hide).
  • 5: type "remove letter d" (type the letter for which the volume you select stands for).
  • 6: it will show that you successfully remove the partition.
* if you want to undo or Unhide the changes you did at the partitions repeat Steps 1 - 4
  • 5: type "assign letter d" and Enter.
* assigning the partition with the letter you want will do the changes to the partition to show on your system.
hiding the partitions with this simple steps can prevent the security of your files to others.
DiskPart will remove the Letter. Window XP has not the capability to identify the unknown volume. Don't afraid your Data will remain.

Good Luck and Enjoy.
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